MSc (Chinese Herbal Medicine), BSc (Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine),
BSc (Psychology), MBAcC
I am the mother of three beautiful growing children and discovered the wonderful life changing effects of Acupuncture after treatment for total exhaustion caused by thinking I could be supermum. Acupuncture restored my health and my enthusiasum for life and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
My aim is to make acupuncture available to everyone regardless of their income.
I trained at Westminster University London, with a degree in Acupuncture and Chinese medicine (2008) and a further Diploma in Qigong Tuina (Chinese energy massage) and a Masters in Chinese Herbal Medicine (2015).
I am a fully qualified registered and insured member of the British Acupuncture Council and the UK register of Tuina Chinese Massage, and eligible member of Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine. My first degree in Psychology is of great benefit to my current practise.
During the past 10 years I’ve worked at St Leonard’s Hospital (NHS – Volunteer Acupuncturist), St Joseph’s Hospice (Volunteer Acupuncturist) and The Laurels Healthy Living Centre (Situated in an NHS Medical Practice – Acupuncturist).
In order to unwind I do ceramics (mainly throwing pots) inspired by my love of nature, the seasons, and the Japanese concept of functional art.
You can also find out more on my website